

News from the Archdiocese  and CAFOD.

CAFOD has a new Chair of Trustees.
Our* Auxiliary Bishop, Bishop Stephen Wright, has been appointed as Chair of the Trustees of CAFOD.

For further information please go to the article on the Diocesan website at https://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/news/cafod-announces-new-chair-of-trustees

(* We claim Bishop Stephen as our Auxiliary Bishop, not only because he has responsibility for Staffordshire and the Black Country area, but also because he was Baptised in Sacred Heart and Holy Souls Church, Tipton)

We assure him of our prayers and support in his new role.


Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham will take place on Saturday 13th May 2023

Information may be obtained from Fr. Philip Griffin by the following means.

e-mail:  walsingham.pilgrimage@rcaob.org.uk
Telephone:  01384 395 308

Information about the shrine may be found at https://www.walsingham.org.uk

Retired Auxilliary  Bishop, Rt. Rev. David McGough RIP

The Archdiocese has announced the death of our former Auxilliary Bishop, 
David Mc Gough. 

Eternal Rest grant to him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him.May he rest in peace.

Details of Bishop David's life and service may be found at 


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